How to Successfully Create New Habits

Motivation, December 28, 2021

Everyone has times in their life when good habits slip.

It’s summer.

The dirt is perfect.

You're riding a ton.

You’re feeling good.

You don't notice it until the winter or your body starts to break down. Have you let the good habits of foam rolling, stretching/mobility, good sleep hygiene, etc.. slip.

It’s the Christmas holidays

It’s a time to celebrate with friends and family.

Food and alcohol is consumed in abundance.

You’re having fun. You skip some workouts to nurse hangovers. You feel guilty you haven’t broken a sweat in 10 days.

How do you get back on track?

Ingraining good habits can take up to 30 days to solidify. Don’t wait till next month or the next season starts. Start now to build momentum.

Here are 8 tips to help ingrain new or re-ingrain old habits.

1. Choose one habit at a time

  • Increase your chance of success by narrowing your focus.

2. Share it

  • Write it down and let other people know about it to create accountability

3. Schedule it

  • Create a reminder whenever the habit needs to occur. Consistency pays off big!

4. Determine your obstacles

  • what has caused you to fail in the past? Bad habits, saboteurs, work schedule…

5. Find support

  • Create a support network. This can be friends, family, coaching, internet forum…

6. Stay positive!

  • You will not be perfect. Don’t give in to saboteurs. Don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake. Get back on board ASAP. You have done less damage than you think.

7. Keep the end in mind

  • Have a goal in mind of what will you achieve by ingraining this habit. This is your motivation to keep going when you feel like you are grinding.

8. Reward yourself

  • You deserve it! Celebrate your success. Share it with the world. You got this!


What habit do you want to ingrain in yourself?

How will you benefit if this awesome new habit becomes part of your life?

Copy and paste the text below in your notes app. Fill it in and start making a new habit.

1. Pick one habit

2. How will you share it? / Create accountability

3. Put it into your schedule

4. What obstacles will you face?

5. What support do you need?

6. Positive affirmation when you ultimately make a mistake

7. Keep the end in mind (Whats your goal?)

8. Whats the reward?


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How to Successfully Create New Habits